+33 Having week days off from work is better than having weekends off from work. amirite?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I see your point, but it really depends on your social circle as well. If you get days off, let's say during Monday and Tuesday, it's not as common for your gf/bf/friends/family to have a day off in the same day.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Yeah, since society operates on a Monday-Friday 9-5, it is hard to see friends and family on weekdays. People are tired and have to get up the next day for work. I make exceptions, but for the most part, I refuse to work Sundays. Overtime on Saturday isn't bad when you're single.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It's better to have weekends and weekdays off, imo

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I want the same days off as my friends so I can do stuff with them... Luckily I have Tues, Sat, Sun off. So I have one day for business stuff and two for friends. I get you though.

by Sauerjammie 1 week ago